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I'm available for work

About Me

This is me.

Hey, I'm Yuki, a technical project manager who does development as well as delivers projects. I was born in a small town near Nagoya, Japan and migrated to Hong Kong SAR for my higher education and career development.

What am I interested in?

I possess wide ranges of interests. Recently I spend most of my free time in studying Windows automation, functional programming and formal methods.

Open for Jobs

Now I am looking for a change.

I've focused on the delivery of technical solutions in my career. I can effectively decode technical things to users, and design and implement their needs as well as orchestrate team work and shareholders as a project manager.

This does not mean I am not technical. I possess hands-on experiences of design and development of technical solutions and their customization, and I have been a working programmer as well as a pre-sales or project manager in most of projects I joined.

Here you can find a bit more about my past career and skills.

If you are interested, please find me via LinkedIn or email.

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